Friday, June 13, 2008

The Lit Chick

Hi! I'm The Lit Chick! I read a lot (averaging about 10 books a month) and like to voice my opinion, hence, The Lit Chick Book Blog!!! I read just about anything from fiction to non fiction, horror to chick lit. I even receive advanced copy books from publishers from time to time to read and voice my opinion. Enjoy my reviews, try some of the books I like (or even don't like). Heck, shoot me a line with your input on my review, or my blog, or whatever! Questions, comments, whatever are always welcome.

1 comment:

Nicole Maddock said...

Looks good so far! I just started mine as well, and I think it's shaping up nicely.

I've already gotten so many new book ideas from reading the variety of blogs posted on LT. It's also great to read the different opinions surrounding a certain book or author.

I look forward to reading more!
